The 3rd Annual TEDxChilliwack event took place on Saturday, April 14, 2018 at G. W. Graham Theatre


Sid Anandkumar

Low Back Pain: Myths vs. Facts

Low back pain is one of the world's leading musculoskeletal disorder and sooner or later, eight out of 10 of us will be affected by it. In the past two decades, we have had amazing scientific and technological advancements in the field of health care. Despite having multiple diagnostic tools and interventions for low back pain, it seems to be poorly managed. Disability rates have consistently increased since the late 1990’s. Sid will bust the common myths about back pain and reinforce what the latest evidence says is best for your back.


Mehrnaz Bassiri

To Achieve Success, Start Detecting Your Small Wins

Progress is the combination of slow, small and steady steps repeated time and time again. In the moment, it may not feel like much is changing but when we look back, we can see how far we've come. We’re bombarded with messages of bigger is better, or more is never enough. Consequently, we measure our small wins on oversized scales, and get discouraged when the needle doesn’t tip. Using smaller, more sensitive scales to measure progress allows us to detect and celebrate the small movements forward—because ultimately it’s these small steps that combine to create transformative changes.


Christopher Bush

The Great Reboot of Agriculture

Everyone eats. How we do food in the world is not sustainable. The world has a problem. We have spent more than a decade learning how to take things the world calls "waste" apart, and put it back together into the answers for how to feed 9 billion people and maintain our planet. I did a talk in TEDxEastVan in 2015 called "Poop Soup and the Inevitable Global Movement" about the first 10 years of my journey. This will be about the next 20.


Debbie Calicetto

The Red Corner: You Failed

FAIL! We have all done it—a driver’s test, a job interview or a phone text to the wrong person. But what happens when a 14-year-old ballerina hears those words for the first time? Debbie Calicetto, now a 49-year-old dance instructor, talks about her first encounter with failure. What does a teen girl do when a letter with the “You Failed Red Corner” arrives? She does what any teenager would do—she decides she is worthless. But what she didn’t know was that the red corner would change her perception of failure forever.


Lee Davies

The Cloud is Smoke

Lee has been a ‘computer geek’ for over 40 years and owns an IT servicing company. He believes any discussion of technology is a moving target. By the time you can talk about it, it’s already changed. Today’s target is the Social Media Cloud. What it is, what it’s doing to you and more importantly what you can do about it. It’s time to reboot how we think about our data and how we let others use it.


Brenda Dyck

The Guerrilla Garden Manifesto—Taking Back Your Green Spaces

Let's make the world a greener, happier and more creative place. Brenda will present a 16-point action plan to support The Guerrilla Garden Manifesto of inspiring garden rebels everywhere to make the world a greener, happier and more creative place both for themselves, for other people and for the community at large.


Cara Halber

How Connection is the Key to Health and Happiness

We are in a constant fight with our bodies. They're too big, too small or have too much around the middle. Most of us genuinely want to change but our busy lives leaves health on the backburner. But what if feeling energized and confident wasn't our yearly resolution? What if we found the best of ourselves with easy, practical tools that don't take a lot of time? Cara has guided hundreds of clients through the process of unlocking their version of health and she's excited to share with you exactly how to do that using questions you probably haven't considered.


Chief David Jimmie

A Wrecking Ball for Barriers

The economic, population and capacity growth in First Nation communities over the last two decades begs that we consider a broader perspective on collaboration between First Nation and non-First Nation governments, communities and businesses. For too long we have been working in silos, cultivating barriers and not recognizing the potential growth for the greater community. How do we build a broader understanding that stronger relationships with First Nation communities benefits us all? How can we breakdown our walls and create a better tomorrow for our children? Education, understanding and respect—that is our wrecking ball.


William Klaassen

How To Eat Thorns

In our conflict-ridden world it is necessary for all of us to learn how to eat thorns; thorns being the judging, shaming, guilting, hating and negative messages that we all receive or send out in our regular communication. Using the beloved giraffe as a metaphorical backdrop, this enlightening talk shares how giraffes frequently and effectively eat and digest thorns and then further relates how we can all learn to eat thorns to engage on a path to a conflict-free and compassionate world.


David Leger

I Wonder If...?

Whether a climate change skeptic or not, air pollution from fossil fuel powered machines is a given. The air we breathe in many cities of the world is toxic. According to the World Health Organisation, 80% of all cities have worse air quality than what is considered healthy. David will share the genius of what a Chilliwack born company is doing to change this through its revolutionary, leading-age technology. Technology that is being launched in China, which has some of the world’s most polluted cities, and has the capability to improve the lives of future generations globally.


Dr. Don Nixdorf

Smarter Devices, Yet Slower Injury and Pain Recovery

The absence of high EMF (ambient and man-made electromagnetic fields) has a profound impact on injury including recovery from surgery, burns, amputee phantom pain and chronic pain. Research and patient outcomes including university and hospital trials demonstrate faster wound repair and less associated pain.


Brett Piperni

The Discipline Behind Decisions

Want to, need to or have to? In life we are faced with multiple obstacles, how do you decide the best course of action? Or do you even decide at all? With tons of decisions faced daily, leverage disciple and mindfulness to cut off all other alternatives, other than your desired outcome.


Dan Pontefract

We Are Losing the Ability to Think, and What to Do About It

Many of us have forgotten how to think. Worse, some have surrendered the responsibility to think and, in the process, minds have closed to the potential an improved form of thinking brings. The way we focus on the short-term, race to complete tasks, or sit on wonderful ideas because we are fearful of what may happen, is regrettable. At times, it is downright frightening. But this current state of thinking has created an opportunity for reconsideration. There is hope. It is time to rethink our thinking. It is time for open thinking. Dream. Decide. Do. Repeat.


Cliff Prang


Cliff Prang is a professional actor, comedian and amateur husband and father of three. F-Bombs is a small window into this clean comedian's journey to finding freedom from regret and overcoming the fear of failure.


Dr. Alison Vaughan

Futuristic Farming—How Technology is Transforming Farming

After last year’s popular “cow potty training talk,” Dr. Alison Vaughan is returning to give an update on the science of bovine potty training. And there’s more… if you though cow potty training was out there, be prepared to be amazed by a whole a new world of technology in farming!


Jacqueline Windh

You Are Not Normal

You travel around in cars, buses, trains and occasionally airplanes. You buy your food at the grocery store. Maybe sometimes you eat out. You work to pay for it all. Sorry. But you are not normal. We humans are great at interpreting what is around us in the three spatial dimensions. However, my education as a geologist trained me to understand time—what some refer to as the fourth dimension—in a deeper way. How we are living now, in time, is not normal. If we truly are going to reboot (and survive), we need to redefine “normal.”



Lori Paul & Spiderlodge

Spiderlodge is a Chilliwack-based acoustic roots rock trio made up of Fraser Valley Music Award winner Rick Genge, vocalist Lori Paul and percussionist Clay Thornton. Multi-instrumentalist Rick Genge has produced seven albums out of the home studio he shares with wife Lori Paul, wordsmith and lead vocalist for the band. Clay began his career in rhythm as a tap-dancing toddler at his Grandmother’s academy, the Fleita Tutte School of Dance. Clay and Lori formed their first professional band here in Chilliwack in 1980.


Parliament of Owls

A stunning supergroup featuring Andrew Christopher, Brendan Woodroff, Dylan Weightman and Jamie Rowe.


Shannon Thiesen



The Guertsen Duo

Piano and Saxaphone