You’ve been selected to present at the Applicant Showcase Nights!
Here’s what to expect:
31 applicants have been be invited to present their talk ideas to our speaker selection committee and an audience at Cottonwood 4 Cinemas on January 24 and 31 (you can see what date you’ve been assigned to here).
On each of the audition nights potential speakers will be given four minutes to present their ideas to the speaker selection committee and audience on what they would like to present at TEDxChilliwack 2019
We encourage all potential speakers to invite friends and family for support
From the judging process, up to eight (8) speakers will be invited to present live at TEDxChilliwack 2019, on April 13, 2019
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use a visual presentation, like PowerPoint (or similar) at the Applicant Showcase Night?
The short answer is no. Those moving onto the TEDxChilliwack stage in April will have the option of using slides, but the Applicant Showcase Night is just you, the microphone and the audience.
How many people qualified for the Showcase Nights?
There will be 31 ideas being presented over the two nights.
How should I prepare for my four minutes?
Watch the videos below and make sure to read the simple How to prepare for your TEDxChilliwack audition. The first video is specifically about your four minutes. Please keep in mind this format isn't mandatory, but more of a suggestion. Think of it like a resume: there are plenty of formats that suit different personalities and professions, but the key details are usually the same for any resume. For us, the key details are:
Is this an idea worth spreading?
Is this person a "thought leader"?
Is your motivation truly about sharing your idea (not just a self promotion)?
Does it relate to our theme?
My idea relates to my business, does that disqualify me?
Not at all. Many TED Talks are based on the business/occupation of the person presenting. For us, the key is your motivation. Try to focus on the impact of your idea and how it can impact the world. If the audience senses that your motivation is more about convincing or coercing, it probably a sales pitch, not a TED Talk.
Who decides if I move onto TEDxChilliwack?
The audience will vote for their favourite idea each night, and the rest will be selected by a selection committee of five (or more) experienced speaking coaches.
Can I invite friends and family to watch?
Yes, invite as many people as you want. Tickets are available here. Tickets are free, but space is limited. All we ask is that if someone has reserved a ticket, but can’t make it, please let us know. These events sell out, so a "no-show" leads to an empty seat that someone else was wanting.
Can my child attend the Applicant Showcase Nights?
Yes, the Applicant Showcase Nights are open to everyone.
How many of us will be selected to proceed to TEDxChilliwack?
There will be four speakers selected at each Applicant Showcase Night (one audience selection and three selection committee choices). In addition, four additional speakers from the broader community are being invited to speak at TEDxChilliwack 2019. This will bring our full complement to 12 speakers.
Can I use cue cards or notes during my four minutes?
You can use notes at the Applicant Showcase Nights. The risk of using notes is that it may make it a little harder to connect with the audience. To us, the idea is the most important aspect. All selected speakers will have an experienced public speaking coach to prepare them for the TEDxChilliwack stage where no notes are allowed.
Can I sit with my family in the audience?
No, we have a limited time in the theatre and there simply isn't time. All speakers have assigned seating in the front few rows at right side of the theatre. Sitting elsewhere could possibly cut into your precious four minutes.
What if I go over the the time limit?
You can’t go over your time limit—there is a hard stop at four minutes. Adhering to the time limit demonstrates how much preparation you have put into your presentation and how much importance you put into following a format. There is also a one-minute interview after your presentation, which can help you round out your idea and further connect with the audience.
Your audition
We've prepared a simple How to prepare for your TEDxChilliwack audition guide
The point of the audition is to present your ‘big idea’ that you feel needs sharing—it is NOT to present a mini version of your proposed TEDx Talk
Watch this sample video to get a feel for what the judges will be looking for
Additional information
To go even deeper, here’s a recording from our recent TEDxChilliwack Speaker Search Symposium. Past speakers share their experiences and answer common questions.
We wish you every success with your TEDxChilliwack 2018 journey.
The TEDxChilliwack Team